Cybersecurity – Adaptive

30 $
Digital skills 25

What is the Cybersecurity – Adaptive online test?

The Cybersecurity – Adaptive online test is a new-generation assessment test that adapts questions according to the answers provided by the candidate. The test quickly identifies the candidate’s actual degree of ease in using a digital environment in a secure manner, according to a five-level scale: beginner, basic, productive, advanced and expert. The questions measure the candidate’s knowledge and attitudes in relation to IT security in a professional context.

Dimensions assessed in the test

  • The cybersecurity world
  • Security in the workplace
  • Security on the move
  • Security at home (telework)


Instantly provide the position of the person being assessed in relation to the safe use of a digital environment


  • Selection or preselection
  • Professional development

Target clientele

Any position requiring the use of computer equipment or digital devices


  • Complete autonomy on Interpreto’s user-friendly platform for test administration and report management
  • Report generated instantly, as soon as the candidate completes the test
  • In addition to providing the overall result, the results report allows you to identify the candidate’s level of proficiency (beginner, basic, productive, advanced, expert) for each skill category, as well as the knowledge that needs to be improved to reach the next level


25 multiple choice questions and practical exercises
