SJT – Administrative staff

55 $
In-baskets and situational judgment tests 60
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What is the SJT – Administrative staff online test? 

The Situational Judgment Test for Administrative staff is a psychometric test that provides insight into the candidate’s reflexes in an administrative support role that requires coordinating tasks while ensuring that procedures are followed. The online test consists of a situation in a fictitious organization and includes a variety of requests that could occur on the job in an administrative setting.

Dimensions assessed in the test

  • Attention to detail
  • Thoroughness
  • Ability to organize/orchestrate


Provide instant insight into the administrative skills of the person being evaluated.


Selection or preselection

Target clientele

  • Ages: 18 years and older
  • All work environments


  • Complete autonomy on Interpreto’s user-friendly platform for online test administration and report management
  • Instant report generation as soon as the candidate completes the online test


22 multiple choice questions
