60 $
IWVS test – Integrative Work Value Scale
The IWVS is a psychometric test that provides an overview of the degree of importance given by an individual to a series of 12 values related to work life. The online test also positions the person being evaluated according to three major dimensions of work values: intrinsic (related to tasks and mandates), extrinsic (related to working conditions) and status (related to success and leadership position).
* IWVS ™ – Integrative Work Value Scale – trademark of IRPCANADA – all rights reserved
Dimensions assessed in the test
- Intellectual stimulation
- Variety
- Development
- Creativity
- Altruism
- Cooperation
- Job security
- Compensation
- Flexibility
- Comfort at work
- Authority
- Prestige
- Intrinsic
- Extrinsic
- Status
Provide instant insight into the main values of the person being evaluated.
- Selection or preselection
- Organizational development
- Career management
Target clientele
Ages : 18 years and older
All work environments
- Complete autonomy on Interpreto’s user-friendly platform for test administration and report management
- Report generated instantly as soon as the candidate completes the test
- The results report provides both the degree of absolute importance of each value to the individual being evaluated, as well as its relative importance to the comparison group
47 multiple choice questions